Mental Health Awareness Month — 12 Small Ways That Help Me With My Mental Battles

Guided Space by Jessica Mendes
4 min readMay 6, 2022
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash


This is a month that is very important to me for several reasons, but the biggest reason of all is that it’s the month we raise awareness for mental health. Quite frankly, I believe every month should be about mental health because it’s something that is so crucial to our well-being, yet so often lost in translation.

Today makes 6 years that I lost a cousin to suicide & I often think of her & her battle. I believe it’s important to spread information to help others going through similar situations instead of being quiet about it. I’ve battled with anxiety & depression myself, as well as occasional suicidal thoughts. For me they’ve just been thoughts that I’d remind myself to overcome, but to others, they’re much more than that & become an unfortunate reality. No one’s life is perfect no matter what you see on social media, but everyday, we need to put in the work to take care of our well being. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health & plays a huge factor into our physical wellness as well.

For that, I wanted to share 12 WAYS THAT HELP ME WITH MY MENTAL BATTLES

1. Take deep belly breaths when feeling anxious or stressed & focus on the breath. Inhale through your nose into your belly for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, and exhale for 4–6 counts. This helps calm the body & nervous system and helps you focus on the present.

2. Meditate/Pray. When I sit in my thoughts for 10–15 minutes & ask God for help, I always feel so much better after.

3. Exercise 20 minutes a day. Go for a walk, lift weights, do some aerobics. Whatever you choose, do something that gets your blood pumping.

4. Cry it out. Trying to bury those feelings & not let them out causes more stress and pain internally and can even cause damage to your physical well-being so don’t be afraid to shed some tears. Crying heals too.

5. Say positive affirmations. You can do these anywhere: in front of a mirror, out loud to yourself while walking/driving, or in your head.

6. Spend time outside in the sun & in nature. When I’m low, I just want to curl up in a ball & be alone, but sometimes I have to force myself to get out of that mindset and go for a walk or enjoy some sun. It’s a peaceful way to reset.

7. Say no to toxic people & to what doesn’t make your soul happy. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to people because we’re afraid to hurt their feelings, but we have to do what’s best for us. We’re not here to make others happy all the time. We’re here to enjoy OUR own life.

8. Read self help books / motivational quotes & listen to inspirational podcasts or videos. They’re a great way to remind you to stay on the right mindset.

9. Gratitude. The act of gratitude helps you focus on the positives in your life which then has a domino effect making you appreciate all the good in your life as opposed to focusing on the negatives which we often easily do.

10. Play music that you know puts you in a good mood. Usually some Latin or old school hip hop will do it for me. It creates a fun space, makes my body move, and always puts a smile on my face.

11. Get dressed up even if you have nowhere to go. It can boost your self esteem, thus making you feel better & create a positive effect on you.

12. Talk to a professional. Seeing a therapist should never be taboo or seem like a waste of time. I love seeing a therapist because it helps me release emotions when talking about how I feel and I get to talk to someone with a non-biased opinion who can fully understand what I’m going through. Best of all, it’s confidential so I know my business won’t be shared with anyone.

Remember that life is a journey. We’re all here to learn lessons & enjoy life as much as possible, but we’re all going through our own healing process. Be gentle with yourself & remind yourself you are worthy every single day.

I dedicate this post to my dear cousin Alicia Cota and all people battling suicidal thoughts and any mental illness. To speak to someone for guidance, in the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is: 1–800–273–8255. As of July 16, 2022, the number will be 988 across the US. God bless 🙏🏼



Guided Space by Jessica Mendes

A writer focusing on spirituality, Twin Flames, mental health, self-care, motivation, and spreading joy.