How I Became a Twin Flame Coach
I’ve been coaching people on the Twin Flame journey for almost a year and I wanted to write about how I got here.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be coaching people on such a wild journey.
I mean I have always wanted to help people in relationships since I was a little girl. For some reason I always loved listening to people’s love stories including my parents’ friends who were all divorcing by the time I was 9 and I was fascinated by love and heartbreak and how to make relationships work.
Then at 37 years old I found myself being activated by my Twin Flame who happens to live half way across the world from me. Thanks to writing about my unexpected heartbreak, I soon realized I was on a Twin Flame journey and suddenly it felt like I KNEW exactly what Twin Flames were. I quickly started learning and absorbing so much information, took what resonated with my heart, started elevating my soul rapidly, and began seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Although many people see the worst in this journey, I see the beauty and love in it because this journey has made me become the most beautiful version of myself and I am forever grateful for it. It was through this journey that I began to write again, discovered who I am, set boundaries with my soon-to-be-ex husband, started my career, and became the…